UPDATE ON SWEET ESME, the little kitty that it took a village to save!
Esme, found near the side of the road unable to move, had multiple pelvis fractures that appeared to the surgeon to be older than we thought; we are unsure of how long she suffered prior to her rescue. She pulled through her arduous surgery like a trooper, but has a very long road to recovery. The surgeon needed to stabilize her pelvis with a large plate and seven screws to enable the fractures to heal properly. She’s been given strong antibiotics, topical and oral meds to manage pain, and will be on restricted bed rest for a long time.
Everyone who has met this little tortoiseshell kitty (estimated to be around 1 ½ years old) has absolutely fallen in love with her. “She’s enthusiastically affectionate and has the best demeanor, no matter what abuse or extreme neglect she’s faced in her short life,” remarked Thom Ham, Exec. Dir. of The Arrow Fund.
Esme purrs so happily now that she’s in loving hands. She seems not to hold a grudge at all against humans, no matter what cruelty or horrors she may have experienced.
Now, this loving girl faces about 12-16 weeks of restricted movement and recovery, and will convalesce in the home of a medical foster who stepped up to help her—we thank her foster so much, and are truly touched by the number of Good Samaritans, outpouring of love, and donations from our Arrow Fund family.
This small creature may never understand that an entire village stepped up to help save her and give her the only chance she’s ever had to experience a life with love and human companionship built on trust and care, but we are humbled and grateful.
Her surgery was extensive and her rehabilitation will be long, but she’s alive because of people who cared. People like you. On behalf of Esme and all the animals you enable us to save: thank you, thank you, thank you. ❤️❤️❤️
If you can help cover the expense of her extensive surgery and rehab, we would greatly appreciate any sized donation.
Please click on the donate button below, VENMO @thearrowfund, PAYPAL @thearrowfund, or mail to: PO Box 1127, Prospect, KY 40059.
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