My Story

We received a call about Daisy, a lab mix that is currently between 8-10 years old. She had just finished weening another set of puppies, and was seriously underweight (at only 56 pounds). Daisy also has a mass on her hip, and we are not sure whether the biopsy results will indicate that it’s benign or cancerous. Regardless of however long this sweet lab has left to live, we were compelled to do whatever we could to make any of her remaining days, months, or years wonderful, surrounded by people who will love her until whatever day she finally crosses the Rainbow Bridge.
Daisy has been taken to a local veterinarian in her area, who ran a complete battery of tests. The vet also suggested that she may have been bred over and over, perhaps knowing life only as a puppy factory.
This sweet mama has been scheduled for spay surgery, at which time they will also remove the mass. We will update you as soon as possible about the results of Daisy’s tests, biopsy, and surgery.
Her life will finally be lived just for her, with no obligation other than to be loved.
We are so thankful that one of The Arrow Funds amazing fosters stepped up so we could say yes! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for fostering this older girl!